自己的权力,必须要付出,要参与。尤其是大陆华人,面对不公正的待遇,就是窝窝囊囊,用钱能解决的问题,拒不走正常途径。这样的思维和处事在加拿大会给你带来什么 ?
Don't call Wong a hero
Despite the attention and success, it's clear Wong is still a teenager at heart, admitting that even he can find politics a touch dull.
He calls the discourse around democratic elections "really boring," in a HK Magazine article, recalling the "tedious" task of writing 3,000 words on electoral reform.
'The movement is now steered by each and every Hong Kong citizen.'
- Joshua Wong, 17-year-old activist
Even though activism is clearly a passion, he's not necessarily pleased with having the attention focused on him rather than the movement.
In a translation of a Facebook post he wrote after being released from police custody, Wong says he feels "very uncomfortable" with being told that he's the hero Hong Kong relies on of the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement.
"I even felt it was revolting," he writes, explaining that the true heroes are all the protesters who were able to stand up to police force while he was being detained.
"The movement is now steered by each and every Hong Kong citizen."
It's a sentiment that rings true for Lau, who has been attending some of the demonstrations.
"If you don't speak for yourself at this very moment, the communist government will define the meaning of democracy for you," she says. "We don't want to be a silent victim." |